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Schools and Colleges - Attendance and Engagement Offer - Currently these posts are vacant

Can the Partnerships help you in working with EBSA students who need help in re-engaging in their learning?

EBSA  - Emotionally Based School Avoidance

This cohort includes those with significant but low level school anxiety. It excludes those who have a medical diagnosis of some kind who can be referred as children with medical needs

 to the Local Authority Inclusion Team.

Our offer to schools:

Support from our Partnership Engagement Officer accessed via a referral to an Inclusion Forum Meeting

Partnership Engagement Officer (PEO) Role and offer The PEO role has been created to support Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) children due to high numbers of poor attendance and low engagement in education across Leicestershire. These are children where additional needs have been identified; whether it be school anxiety, refusal, underlying SEN, who need further support but don’t necessarily meet higher services thresholds. Preventative & early intervention support has been seen to work effectively and can redirect children back into their education provision as soon as possible, which is what the PEO role aims to do. PEO’s Offer – Below are the 3 main areas the PEO role covers and examples of support:- 1.Case discussion a.Completed via phone or email b.Assess the child’s needs c.Complete Child’s profile – e.g boxall, questionnaires, scaling d.Discuss circumstances – e.g home life, history, SEN e.Create a plan of action for the school or agree for the PEO to be actively involved 2.To work directly with the child a.Home visits b.Observations in school environment c.Building relationships to liaise with professionals d.Direct intervention – e.g Behaviour management, Physical/social activities in the community, Reflection time, CBT therapy, Art Therapy, Mentoring etc 3.To work directly with the school/staff a.Assessing the schools needs b.Reasonable adjustment support c.Signposting – e.g services and resources d.Understanding the schools capacity for knowledge to support in the future e.Reflecting - e.g what has happened/been tried f.Action planning – e.g SEND plans g.Attending schools – e.g modelling strategies, creating plans for staff How to refer for PEO support – The PEO’s support can be accessed by referring to your schools partnership forum using their referral form. The PEO will attend the forum and discuss this case to form a plan of action. The PEO will not accept cases over the phone or through email, as they need to be triaged appropriately through the forums.

Inclusion Forums - sometimes known as Surgeries or Multi Agency Panels

Do you have a student with low attendance and engagement where your school's efforts don't seem to be solving the problem

There is one standard Referral Form for all Partnership referrals, including for Inclusion Forum discussions

Children with medical needs, children missing education, issues around elective home education can be referred to the LA Inclusion Team. A check list of actions prior to referral is here

To refer to the Local Authority Inclusion Team use their Referral Form here.

We recommend that schools access the brilliant resource prepared by Sheffield EP service. This contains a wealth of advice about meeting the needs of those students who are reluctant engagers.

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