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Inclusion Forums - Who Can Help?

How to use these links:

1. What are the child's needs?

Follow the Link to access our information about needs identification and testing for children and young people

2.  Who might be able to help us to meet these needs in school?

On this page we have provided links to the most important services available for children and young people with semh needs and at risk of exclusion. 

3. More Links are available here

We are adding all the time to our lists of organisations that can offer useful support, advice and or resources for our work with young people

4. Multi Agency Referral Form MARF here


Mental Health

This is an important source of advice and contact information when seeking support for children and young people with mental health issues

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General health

Care Navigators within The NHS Leicestershire Partnership Trust provide administrative support for Families, Young People and Children in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

The team can provide help and support directly to parents and carers, health professionals and local partners such as schools, pre-schools, and local authority teams, when consent to share information is given.

Follow the link into the LCC web site to access resources and services that provide social and family support to children, young people and their families


Inclusion in Education

The Inclusion Team attend IFs. Contact thjem for issues around Home Education, Children with medical needs, children missing education etc. This is their web site with further links



The SEND Handbook is on line. It provides resources to support good practice in schools as well as the forms and processes that schools need to follow to secure additional reosurces

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