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Partnership Staff - Safeguarding, Child Protection, Health and Safety, GDPR

There are three sections on this page.  They are:

1. Safeguarding and Child Protection information, documents and links

2. Health and Safety information and links

3. Data Protection and on line safety information, documents and links

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Guidance and Regulations

For DFE Guidance and Regulations on Keeeping Children Safe, Working Together to Safeguard Children, Use of Reasonable Force, Children Missing Education, The Prevent Duty

FAQs - Advice to Schools

For the advice we give to schools about the use of Alternative Settings for our and their students - see Q11 and Q13 in FAQs for Schools

FAQs - Advice to Co-ordinators

For the advice we give to our own staff about issues of Safeguarding see Q 7 in FAQs for Co-ordinators

Safeguarding in Settings Other Than Schools

This is our own document setting out the arrangements we make to ensure effective safeguarding for students placed in Alternative Provision.  We recommend that schools use this to help answer Ofsted questions about these arrangements

Leicestershire CC Safeguarding

A link to the Child Protection part of the county web site,d t the termly bulletins and Training Programme issued by the Safeguarding Team at Leicestershire County Council

NB These need updating - awaiting LCC Safeguarding Model Policy template

A document designed to support Alternative Providers in ensuring that they have an effective Safeguarding Policy in place.  This was published in 2018 and should be checked with the document below.

Safeguarding Model Policy template for SEIPS needs upadating

Updated in Aug 2022 to take account of changes in "Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022"

Safeguarding Thresholds for Services

Links to the LLR Safeguarding Board web site where you can access documents and report concerns

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence

A model statement for SEIPS to adopt and to guide practice

Guidance for safer working practices for those working with children and young people in education settings

Published by the Safer Recruitment Consortium this document addresses those issues of how staff should respond to young people in their care.  It is very useful in setting out boundaries for staff who are seeking to build warm supportive relationships with their students without weakening safeguarding standards.


Multi Agency Referral Form and advice on how to ues it.  Access to Social Care support.

On Line Safeguarding

Scroll down to the GDPR section

Health and Safety

AP Risk Assessment

Guidelines and template for Risk Assessments for APs prepared by LEBC

Model Health and Safety Report Template

For Partnerships to use and adapt to their own circumstances

Taxi Company Risk Assessment

Sample document created and used by LNCIP

IT  Safety and GDPR

Safety On Line Policy

The Partnerships' Policy for the use of on line learning with students

Fair Processing and Privacy Statement

Document for use with parents and carers when seeking consent for a Partnership referral

Partnerships' GDPR Policy

For Partnerships to use and adapt to their own circumstances

Partnerships' GDPR Audit document

For Partnerships to keep up to date and save as proof of compliance to GDPR

Data Protection: A Tool Kit for Schools

A very useful but long document prepared by the DFE originally in 2018 - covers everything that a Partnership needs to think about in respect of IT Safety

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